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Commit for one job only!
Do you need help for one major job only? Then our obligation free apprentice will assist. The apprentice will work your job for the life of it, then at the end of that job, they’ll simply be assigned to another employer. Book an apprentice for the life of a job today, limitations apply.

Difficult Undergrounds
Are you replacing overhead power with underground power? Are there Too many services in the way of your cable to use an excavator? Then our apprentice will assist in digging the trench, and if really long, will even help blow strings down the conduit!

Installing Solar
Have a new Solar installation? Need that hand to help crawl through the roof to run cable, and assist in getting those heavy solar panels on the roof? In conclusion our apprentice will assist in all scenarios!

Rewiring & Main Switchboard Installations
Need to do a large rewire and switchboard installation? While your prepping the new switchboard and isolating all power from the old one, under your supervision our apprentice will run brand new lighting and power cable to all of the necessary fittings.
Book an Apprentice
Do you have a busy week coming up and need an apprentice? Then get in early, and reserve your apprentice today for the life of a project.